Try Your Hand at Polo
Experience the beach a new way. Ride horseback while playing one or Rhode...
Read MoreExperience the beach a new way. Ride horseback while playing one or Rhode...
Read MoreStep into the ’90s with Wicked Garden, the premier Stone Temple Pilots tribute band that captures the raw energy and melodic power of one of grunge’s most iconic acts. Based in New Jersey, Wicked Garden faithfully recreates the sound and spirit of Stone Temple Pilots with spot-on renditions of fan favorites like “Plush,” “Lady Picture Show,” “Dead and Bloated,” “Wicked Garden,” and “Suit That You Wear.” Stone Temple Pilots defined the grunge era with their powerful blend of hard rock and psychedelic influences, crafting hits like “Plush,” “Meatplow,” and “Interstate Love Song.” The legacy of their music endures, and Wicked Garden ensures it lives on, paying homage to Scott Weiland and the unforgettable music of Stone Temple Pilots. For an authentic experience that transports you back to the height of grunge, Wicked Garden is as close as it gets.
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