Contact: Karen Cooke
South County Tourism Council
Phone: 401.789.4422

The 6th Annual Tour Rhode Island Press Conference is exclusively open to the media and Tour Rhode Island committee and attractions and will be held at the State House/State Room, Providence on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 2 p.m. 

Event co-chairs Governor Donald L. Carcieri and Mrs. Sue Carcieri, representatives from regional tourism councils and convention and visitors bureaus, and officials from the Rhode Island Tourism Division will announce the details of the 6th Annual Tour Rhode Island, There�s No Place like Home!

More than 1,000 Rhode Islanders will be embarking on all-day tours throughout the Ocean State again on May 2, 2009.  Tickets will go on sale after the press conference on January 28, 2009, and are available only over the phone by calling AAA Southern New England at 877-874-7845.  Ticket prices are $40 per adult and $30 for children 12 and younger.  Ticket sales are on a first-come, first-served basis.  Following the press conference, additional information will be available at

Out of 24 buses across the state, there are two taking place in South County � �South County Heroes & Settlers,� which includes General Nathanael Greene Homestead, Tomaquag Indian Memorial Museum, Arcadia Management Area, Kenyon�s Grist Mill, and Smith�s Castle.  The �South County Treasures & Keepsakes� includes stops at Gilbert Stuart Museum & Herring Fish Ladder, South County Museum, Wilcox Park, Westerly Armory, and Babcock Smith House.