Thursday, June 30, 2011
GoLocalProv Lifestyle Team
Rhode Island knew it all along, but it's nice to see New England catch on. And in a big way, this month.
Yankee Magazine, the longstanding periodical of the 6 New England states, has selected South County, Rhode Island as the featured cover and interior story for its July/August edition, highlighting the region as a beloved summer destination in New England.
What it takes to make the cover
This is no small deal. The July/August cover and interior story is one of the most desirable for tourist destinations in New England. With a readership of nearly two million, the magazine conducts a highly competitive intense process before selecting its cover story. With only six editions each year Yankee’s internal team conducts research to determine the best possible image; looking for a compelling cover that will enhance strong newsstand sales.
South County a "special destination" within New England
Since New England is a beloved summer destination, the selection of South County is great tribute. “South County is one of the special destinations within New England that has a strong identity distinct from all
others,” said Jamie Trowbridge, the CEO of Yankee Publishing. “When I visited in September years ago, I was surprised to learn that in this one corner of New England, summer weather lingers after it has fled from the
rest of the region. At Yankee Magazine we are pleased to shine a spotlight on this destination which is beloved by visitors who know it and deserves that attention of those who don’t.”
Myrna George, President of South County Tourism Council, was delighted about the recognition South County has received. “South County really is a beautiful place,” George said. “It’s such a great tribute to Rhode
Island to be featured in Yankee Magazine as we enter the peak of our summer months.”
Waters, beauty, and towns to rival any in the region
Mel Allen, an editor at Yankee, said, “Like nearly everyone else I reflexively think of the Cape Cod beaches as New England’s best for worshipers of sun and surf. I spent a number of years in Maine and
love that state’s beaches, except I’d often go numb after 10 minute in the waves. Last summer when I traveled to the beaches and beach towns of South County I realized that there is this surprising pocket of beaches,
some where you can stroll and see hardly another soul, some where it’s a playground of people—but all of it bounded by some of the warmest waters in New England, beauty, and towns with attractions to rival any in
the region.”
The July/August edition of Yankee Magazine with South County cover and story will be available on store
shelves this week
For the direct link to the article Click here