When you're having a destination wedding, it makes sense to really make it worth your while and extend your stay. Arrive a week or two early and have all of your prenuptial celebrations in one place or extend your stay and relax with or without family and friends.

South County offers more than beach and sand - there's something to do in every season.

Richmond-Practice-Pine Crest Golf Course - Megan McCalligOur 17 public golf courses can provide a relaxing option for the groom and his friends instead of your typical bachelor celebration. It can also be a ladies activity or combined into a couples pre-wedding celebration.


Make a guys-only pre-wedding adventure plan and visit one of our newest venues, The Preserve at Boulder Hills for archery, flyfishing, ziplining, hunting, and much more. Photos above courtesy of The Preserve.

header_spa-packagesFor the ladies, why not organize a South County pre-wedding stay and take advantage of our various spa services, from Spa Mosaic to the luxurious, award-winning Ocean House Oh! Spa (pictured).

And don't forget our beaches are a great way to relax both pre and post wedding if you're here in the summer, and we have Yawgoo Valley to ski in the winter and many seasonal activities and events throughout the year.